Elma Innovation Academy
- New Program Set-up and Purpose
- The Process and Earning Credit
- Graduation Credentials
- High School Experience
- General
New Program Set-up and Purpose
- What is the design of the new program? It is a school within a school where students will be learning through themed career pathways on natural resources and manufacturing/STEM. You will receive credit for science, English, and other courses through projects where you demonstrate your learning by doing real-world work. You will do work that is meaningful and prepares you for jobs in these areas. You will also be prepared to continue on to college in these areas if desired.
- Why this design? All students learn differently and traditional school doesn’t emulate the true work place. This school is designed to place students into more of a “real-world” application and let them deep dive into projects and learning similar to what they would be doing in a career. Additionally, the career pathway connects the “relevance” why are we learning this to the industry expectations and requirements.
- Are you in both pathways for the full day? YES. When you are a junior/senior you will then chose the pathway you are most interested in.
- Can I select one pathway? YES. You can do one pathway along with minutes for U-Skill time. You could then take up to two classes at the comprehensive high school: 1st & 2nd, U-Skill time, with Natural Resources OR Manufacturing, U-Skill time, 5th, and 6th. Or a student could jump start with ASU college credits.
- Why did you start with Natural Resources and Manufacturing/STEM? After assessing the labor market demands these pathways will assist with closing the gap of a future skilled labor employment shortage. Also, our school is robust with equipment and acquiring grants to have the technology, equipment, and machines to meet industry standards.
- Where are my classes? The classes will be housed in the downstairs area where the shops are located. You will also work with an advisor/teacher to develop and connect your skills with standards during the day and during U-Skills Time.
The Process and Earning Credit
- How do I get accepted? Complete the application and submit by May 15th. There will be interviews to confirm your goals align with the academy goals.
- Who is this academy for? To be 9th and 10th grade students in the fall of 2024 who are interested in the natural resources and manufacturing/STEM career pathway. They see themselves is some form of a career in these career clusters. They may not know all the careers or what they are exactly going to do, but they enjoy aspects of these pathways in learning, exploring, and/or hobbies.
- Is this easier? No, it’s just different. It actually may be harder depending on your initiative and motivation. Some excel in subjects over others just like regular school, however, we will be personalizing your education by connecting you with activities and material that is relevant to you.
- How do I “pass” a class? You will have to meet a minimum of “proficient” in order to check off a standard. You will need to meet multiple standards within each subject in order to earn credit. This will be transitioned into a letter grade when you meet all the standards. This could be in 6 weeks or 6 months. “Proficient” and “Master” will be translated into a letter grade for the credit and transcript. The letter grades will be A-B.
- Is this open to ALL students? YES as long as you have a career interest in the “themed” pathways
- Is everyone automatically be accepted into the academy if they apply? NO, there will be an interview to confirm your interests to determine if this program is a good fit.
Graduation Credentials
- Will I graduate with my grade level classmates? YES. You are an Elma School District student who will be a part of the same graduation ceremony.
- Do I earn a diploma? YES. You will earn a diploma after you meet all the graduation requirements like the regular high school students. You just earn the credits differently.
- Can I do running start? Running Start is already incorporated into this. Most students will not only graduate with a high school diploma, but an industry certification, college credits in the career pathway and/or core academics. Student could potentially have one year of college complete or two with an associate’s degree.
- Do all the credits transfer to other technical colleges or universities? YES and NO. It depends on the degree you are going for and the college/universities.
- What colleges are you coordinating credits with? Currently we have articulations with Bates College, Clover Park Technical College, Grays Harbor College, and Arizona State University. We are working to add Central Washington University, Walla Walla Community College, and South Puget Sound College in the near future.
- Will I be accepted into a university through this program? YES. As long as the student meets the standards, they will have a transcript with all of the courses necessary for entrance into a university that meet the (CADR) requirements. The student will have to do extra work to earn their world language credit for the university but that will be incorporated into the day as part of their personalized plan.
High School Experience
- Does this program lead to apprenticeship and/or internships? YES
- Do you have to be in this program to be a part of the AJAC Apprenticeship Program? Success in the Innovation Academy will give your preferential placement
- Can I still experience sports and activities? YES
- Can I still be in FFA and SkillsUSA? YES, this program automatically registers you
- Does this prepare me for technical college and/or university acceptance and entrance? YES
- Can I still take specialty classes such as band, choir, etc. at EHS? Unfortunately not at this time.
- Can I still take weights class at EHS? YES if you want select one program and the class is offered when you can take classes. . You can take up to two classes at the comprehensive high school: 1st & 2nd, U-Skill time, with Natural Resources OR Manufacturing, U-Skill time, 5th, and 6th. Or a student could jump start with ASU college credits. IF you want to be in the programs all day, you will have the opportunity to work out during your U-Skills Time around lunch.
- Can I still take weights class at EHS? YES and NO. You will not be taking a class directly, but you will have the opportunity to work out during your U-Skills Time around lunch.
- Do I get to have lunch with my friends? YES and NO. At EHS we have 2 lunches with mixed grades. Your lunch will be the 1st lunch scheduled due to your classes are on the “first” floor.
- Do I get to go to dances, assemblies, etc? YES
- What does the school day look like? AM will be about a 150 minute block in Manufacturing/STEM, Lunch and U-Skills will be in between blocks for advising, personalized support, and more. PM will be about a 150 block in Natural Resources.
- Are you adding more Career Pathways? In the future we are working on adding Health Science, Education & Early Childhood, and Computer Science
- If it’s not a good fit for me can I get out? YES if it’s within the first few weeks of a semester. Beyond that the change cannot happen until semester change. This is also for students who want to leave the regular high school and try it.
- What is the difference between an apprenticeship and an internship? An apprenticeship registered through Labor & Industries with on-the-job training that will earn a journeyman’s card and college credit. There is a structured wage progression and 1:1 mentorship. An internship is an extended opportunity beyond a job shadow experience to witness and be a part of a business/industry function and inner work. It can be paid or unpaid. Some unpaid internships will have a stipend or scholarship attached after certain hours and tasks have been completed.