Eagle Sky Virtual Academy
Eagle Sky Virtual Academy – an alternative learning opportunity available to all students K-12
NOW ACCEPTING ALL STUDENTS 1st-12th (part and full-time) and Kindergarten (half-day only) for SY 2024-25.
Available to Elma School District students and all Washington State students. Complete the Eagle Sky Virtual Academy Interest Form SY24-25 to let us know you are interested. If you live outside the Elma School District area, or are moving to the area, please fill out the interest form above and the choice transfer request form Choice Transfer Request Form.
Eagle Sky Virtual Academy is a free, online program provided by Elma School District. Eagle Sky Virtual Academy has Washington State Certified teachers that guide students through an online learning platform, Accelerate Education. These engaging online programs open a world of content for students in a variety of different learning styles. Eagle Sky offers hands-on learning opportunities and adaptive technology allows the learners experience to be personalized and focus on concepts that need additional reinforcement. With our accredited program, you will receive all the tools and support needed to succeed. All curriculum is designed to meet the Washington State Standards as defined by OSPI.
For more information contact Christi Kershaw: ckershaw@eagles.edu
For registrar questions and transcript requests contact Lovena Clark: lclark@eagles.edu