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Enrollment & Registration



Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 Enrollment

We are now using our SKYenroll Online Enrollment website for all Kindergarten enrollments. Please visit the following links to get started:

Elma New Student Online Enrollment (for those families that currently do not have an Elma SD Skyward account)

Elma Skyward (for those families that currently have an existing Elma SD Skyward account. Log-in and choose New Student Online Enrollment) 

If interested in our Transition to Kindergarten Program for 2024-25 please follow this link: 2024-25 Transition to Kindergarten



Are you a new student to the Elma School District?

Please visit our SKYenroll Online Enrollment website to begin the process of enrolling your student.

Elma New Student Online Enrollment


Are you a returning student to the Elma School District?

All returning students will need to complete their annual registration forms online through Skyward Family Access. Online Registration for 2024-25 will open August 13, 2024. If you need assistance with your Family Access log-in please email or call one of the school's main office.


Online Registration Instructions

Skyward Fee Payment Instructions



Are you requesting to home school your student for the 2024-25 school year?

All home school declaration of intent to home school forms must be filed annually by September 15, 2024 or within two weeks of the beginning of any public school quarter, trimester, or semester with the school district which the parent resides. Bring completed form to the Elma School District Office 1235 Monte-Elma Rd. Elma, WA 98541 or email to If you need assistance contact 360-482-2822.

Declaration of Intent to Homeschool


Are you requesting a choice transfer as a non-resident student?

All choice transfer students need to complete a new application each year. Returning choice transfer students for 2024-25 should complete their requests starting in May 2024. You can complete the application online at the following website:

Choice Transfer Request

Transition to Kindergarten 2024-25?