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Title I/LAP Programs

Elma School District’s goal for Title I and LAP programs is to provide students who struggle with additional opportunities to improve their skills in the areas of reading, math, behavior and credit retrieval.  These programs use skills assessments, data, and progress monitoring to determine the specific skills that a student needs and then provides a continuum of services to help all students experience academic success. 

How will I know if my child is receiving Title I services?

Assessments, including Fastbridge are conducted throughout the school year at Elma Elementary to identify and coordinate supplemental services for students that have been identified as needing Title I services. Elma Elementary is a Title I school-wide school, and therefore is able to provide supplemental support to identified students. You will be informed by your child's classroom teacher during conference time if your child is receiving additional academic support. EGHHS is a Title I Target Assist building supporting students in reading, math, and work transition so that they can earn credits toward graduation.

These services may include:

  • Small group instruction

  • Classroom intervention

  • Take-home instructional resources

  • One-on-one tutorial support

These services may happen in the classroom, or in intervention rooms with classified staff.

If you have any questions about your child's participation in the Title I program, please contact  Mr. Keating (Elementary Principal), Julie Crawford (EGHHS Principal) or Stacey Rockey (Special Services Director).

Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is Washington's state-funded program (WAC 392-162 and Chapter 28A.165 RCW) that provides additional academic support to eligible students. LAP funds provide: K-4th reading instruction, 6-10 reading and math instruction for those students at risk for not making state assessment requirements, and 11-12 for credit retrieval.

Title I

Students who score below benchmark in either reading or math are given additional assessments in skills, phonics, fluency, and/or comprehension to target specific skills that the student needs. Students in need of reading and/or math intervention will receive additional time to focus on the skills that need to be re-taught or reinforced. Groups are formed based on similar student needs and will be taught by qualified personnel within the classroom or in a pull-out setting.

Additional information about reading intervention and Title I services will be discussed at the Fall Title I Parent meeting. If you have any questions regarding this process or wish to discuss your student’s progress please ask your student’s teacher or you may contact Stacey Rockey, our Special Services Director.

Title I, Part A - Parent and Family Engagement (PFE)

Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) in a child’s education is a greater predictor of academic success than whether or not that family is affluent or poor. That’s why Title I, Part A program insist on robust parent and family engagement activities at every school where federal funds support effective teaching and engaged learning.

Why Parent and Family Engagement?

Research tells us that students with engaged parents and families, are more likely to:

  • Have higher grades and test scores

  • Learn to read faster (exhibit faster rates of literacy acquisition)

  • Are promoted and take more challenging classes

  • Adapt better to school and have better attendance

  • Have better social skills and behavior

  • Graduate

 Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) Links:

Complaints Related to Federal Programs Procedure

A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law, or regulation/state regulation that applies to a federal program. 

  • Anyone can file a citizen complaint.

  • There is no special form needed to file a complaint.

  • There is no need to know the law that governs a federal program to file a complaint.

  • OSPI - Citizen Complaint Information