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Secondary Program Model


The goal of each model is to provide access to core content and develop English academic literacy. At the secondary level, student class schedules are created based on student language needs. There are three models to serve ELLs in the secondary grades:

  • ELL Classrooms
  • ELL Academic Support
  • ELA for ELL

ELL Classrooms

ELL class is specifically for students who are new to US schools. Students are scheduled into ELL class for 2+ hours a school day where they receive intensive language development. Students are scheduled into ELL class when the student receives:

  • A 1 in speaking, listening, reading, writing on the ELPA21
  • Level 1 status on the WELPA/ELPA21 screener

Instruction is scaffolded to aid in ease of language acquisition. The classroom teacher knows their ELL students’ needs and plans accordingly.

ELL Academic Support

A class for students to receive additional support and tutoring in their content area classes.
Support takes the form of

  • Explaining key content vocabulary and concepts
  • Translating unknown terms
  • Providing additional time to complete assignments/assessments


An English content class specifically for ELL students struggling in the general education English class due to language barriers. The aim of this class is to align instruction with the general education content English class, with modified reading, assignments, and assessments. The aim is to scaffold student language skills to grade level while supporting language development needs.