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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are students identified for ELL services?

All families fill out the Home Language Survey (HLS) when they enroll their children. This asks what language the student first learned. If it is not English, staff assesses the student’s English skills. Based on the results, the student may qualify for ELL services.

How long do students stay in ELL services?

Students that qualify for ELL services take an annual assessment of their English skills. They continue to qualify for ELL services until they reach a high level of English proficiency. The length of time to gain proficiency is unique to each child.

Are all ELL-qualified students in an ELL classroom?

Most ELL students receive support for English language development in a pull-out or sheltered setting. Students in the elementary school are in an ELL classroom for a minimum of 45 minutes a day. At the secondary level, students are in a sheltered classroom for a minimum of 1 class period.

How can I opt my child out of ELL?

If you wish for your child to no longer receive ELL services, please follow the following steps:

  1. Contact the appropriate school by phone and specify you would like to set up an opting-out of ELL meeting. You can also directly email the program director at
  2. Once the meeting has been scheduled, the parent will meet with the building principal, the ELL Program Director and the classroom teacher to discuss your child’s progress and needs.
  3. Parent will either sign the form and their child will no longer receive services, ~or~ the parent will not sign the form and their child will remain in program.

Is my child taking the spot of another student?

No. If a student qualifies for services based on the language screener, they automatically have a spot and we receiving funding to provide them language support and development.