Child Screening
Birth - 2 year old Child Screening in the Elma School District
The Elma School District works with South Sound Parent to Parent to coordinate screening and services to qualifying infants and toddlers. Please call Elma School District Special Services office at (360) 482-1123 for more information or visit the South Sound Parent to Parent website: South Sound Parent to Parent
Children 3 and Over Screening in the Elma School District
Parents residing in the Elma School District who feel that their child who is three years old and older may need special learning assistance in the area of developmental stages, speech/language, hearing, vision, motor skills, reasoning or learning ability, behavior problems, or special health concerns may also request an evaluation or screening. Community members who provide services to children such as counseling, health care, dental care, or child and family supports may also refer children they serve who live in the Elma School District for educational evaluations or screening. Please contact the Elma School District Special Services office at (360) 482-1123.